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Germania Club
Newcastle, Australia

Zur Bewahrung der deutschen Sprache und Kultur.

(for the preservation of German language and culture)

Club Purposes

Organise meetups and activities for Germania club members in the Hunter region.

Provide an information hub about German culture and language in the Hunter region and beyond.

Preserve and celebrate more than 65 years of history of Germania Club Newcastle, Australia.

Commission and publish reports on issues relevant for German culture and language in the Hunter.

Support and promote local initiatives that facilitate the preservation of German culture and language.



For simplicity, the Club understands the word "German" as encompassing all German-speaking persons; it includes those from Austria, Switzerland, the Baltic States, the border regions of Germany, and also Ethnic Germans and others, not only those originating from the Federal Republic of Germany.


65 Years

Founded in 1957 for the preservation of German culture and language, our Club proudly looks back on more than 65 years of history in the Hunter region. (learn more)

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